Wednesday 14 September 2016

Ex-NASA astronaut says aliens are 'in the universe' and here's why we haven't found them

A former astronaut thinks he has exposed the truth about life on other planets.
And as it turns out, the creatures are all over our universe – he believes.
Leroy Chiao, 56, from Milwaukee, – who logged nearly 230 days in space – has revealed the secret to finding them.
Mr Chiao said: “I have had the privilege of flying to space and I have gazed down at our home planet."
OUTTA THIS WORLD: Aliens do exist all over the universe the boffin claims
“I believe there is life all over our universe”
“My view on alien life may be surprising to most.
“But so what?
“I believe there is life all over our universe, since it would be the height of arrogance to think that we are alone.”
And the top boffin lifted the lid on why the human race hasn’t managed to hunt down aliens.

“I believe that life is always starting out in some parts of the universe at the same time that it is dying out in others,” he wrote on The Christian Science Monitor.
“We don’t know about each other, simply because the distances are so vast.
“We won’t easily find evidence of alien life around another star, especially those that are hundreds of millions of lightyears away, or more.”
Boffins were excited by the new alien world on Earth’s cosmic doorstep, a planet orbiting Proxima Centauri, the closest neighbouring star to the Sun.But the astronaut said we should be looking closer to home, right in our “backyard”.
With its warm temperature and, in the past, liquid water, Mars is our best shot at getting a glimpse of our alien neighbours.
Mr Chiao said: “The discovery of incontrovertible evidence of past or present life on Mars would prove my theory on alien life.
“Lets continue to explore Mars, which is in our own ‘backyard’.”

Thursday 25 August 2016

A 'ghost' galaxy made up almost entirely of dark matter has been discovered by scientists

Perseids meteor shower with the Milky Way
“We found many times more mass indicated by the motions of the stars than there is mass in the stars themselves.”
Without the extra gravity of dark matter binding it together, Dragonfly 44 would quickly fall apart.
The scientists, whose findings are published in the The Astrophysical Journal Letters, suspect there could be other dark matter galaxies waiting to be discovered.
Co-author Professor Roberto Abraham, from the University of Toronto in Canada, said: “We have no idea how galaxies like Dragonfly 44 could have formed.
“The data shows that a relatively large fraction of the stars is in the form of very compact clusters, and that is probably an important clue. But at the moment we’re just guessing.”
Dark matter is one of the great unsolved mysteries of the universe.
Scientists now know that only 5% of the interchangeable mass-energy in the universe is made up of “normal” matter that we can see and touch.
Dark matter, which exerts a gravitational pull, makes up 27%. It does not reflect light and cannot be detected directly by any means known to science. Despite a number of theories, the true nature of dark matter remains unknown.
The remaining 68% of the universe is made from something even more baffling, dark energy - a kind of anti-gravity force that appears to be repelling galaxies away from each other at an accelerating rate.
Dr Van Dokkum added: “This has big implications for the study of dark matter. Ultimately what we really want to learn is what dark matter is.
“The race is on to find massive dark galaxies that are even closer to us than Dragonfly 44, so we can look for feeble signals that may reveal a dark matter particle.”

NASA accused of alien cover-up after changing ISS coverage - but the conspiracy theorists get it wrong

The International Space Station camera films a mystery missile-shaped object in orbit
Conspiracy theorists got the wrong end of the stick after mistakenly believing NASA was planning to cut the live footage broadcast from the International Space Station.
The space agency announced in a recent blog post that it was planning to change up its official coverage and would axe a daily 30-minute show called "Space Station Live".
Cue uproar from the alien-hunting community after believing the live feed from the orbiting space station would be cut.
An apparent UFO captured on the ISS live stream
Scott C. Waring, one of the most vocal UFO watchers wrote a blog post about NASA supposedly canning the ISS live feed.
"I can see why NASA would want to shut the live feed down. It is teaching the public that aliens exist, and if the public learns that, then NASA is no longer needed," he wrote, according to the Express .
"You learning about aliens is not what they want to happen. So, they are shutting down the live cams again," he wrote.
n fact, the space agency made it plain that the live feed would continue.
"The NASA TV channel is phasing out a daily, 30 minute show called "Space Station Live," which is not the same as the live video feeds from the station," it wrote last month .
"NASA TV will continue to air live coverage of dynamic space station operations, including launches, dockings, landings, spacewalks and briefings.

"NASA TV also will continue to air weekly highlights of life onboard station in the short-format Space to Ground program, also available on YouTube and via podcast."
Of course, keeping up a high definition transmission from a gigantic space laboratory travelling at 7.66 kilometers a second is bound to have its challenges.
That's why we can undoubtedly expect to see more drop-outs and yet more so-called alien cover-ups in NASA's future.

NASA's Spacecraft Restoration Disrupted By Aliens From The Sun

Being lost in space would surely be one of the most terrifying nightmares imaginable to man. However, this time, it is not a mere nightmare, but a reality experienced by NASA over two years ago. NASA's STEREO has been lost in space on 2014, and after two years, it was back to life, thanks to a possible extraterrestrial interference.
Fortunately, it has resurfaced and showed up out of a sudden. It is obvious that NASA will take the credit for saving the spacecraft, still, the space agency is not free from the scepticisms that an extraterrestrial race may have found it and fixed it.
STEREO have entered the orbit of the sun in 2006 and since then, it had gathered a considerable amount of data and information from our star. It did an unexpectedly great job over the course of a few years, drastically increasing our knowledge about the sun.
But suddenly, the STEREO became quiet in 2014. NASA hasn't come up with a credible explanation of the incident, but several theories came out of the mouths of creative, sceptical, and open minded fellow human beings.
There are a lot of theories that there are UFO circles that appear to be orbiting the sun, possible the home of aliens. This alien species might use the sun as a source of fuel and might even use solar energy to power up their civilization.
The theory suggests that these UFOs have a brief encounter with NASA's STEREO spacecraft two years ago. The strange gesture might be a sign of gratitude for NASA, which is why they have fixed the earthly and primitive STEREO up.
Alien life forms inhabiting the sun do not have a rock solid proof to be true. But fortunately for sceptics, the SOHO satellite was able to capture a satellite image that most UFO researchers believe to be a gigantic entrance door into the interior of the sun.

Final proof aliens exist? Nasa photos show ancient Hieroglyphs carved into rock on Mars

Nasa photographs, taken by the Curiosity Rover, apparently show the writing on a rock.
Footage of Nasa images, taken by its Curiosity Rover, show the writing on a rock, according to and alien researchers and conspiracy theorists who are convinced it proves there was once an ancient civilisation on Mars, much like those on Earth.
They even believe they may have evolved alongside us.
But sceptics argue the so-called discoveries on the images sent back by the rover - a 4WD droid which is exploring the Martian surface - are just textures in rocks.
They said people are being tricked into seeing familiar objects, such as writing and faces, by pareidolia - a phenomena that causes the brain to interpret what they eye sees in patterns an d textures as familiar things.
On top of this, researchers often manipulate the images, such as in this case, where the 'writing" has been darkened to bring it out, they said.
One viewer posted on UFOsightings daily after seeing the images, which have been uploaded to YouTube: "If you zoom in on the original you can see the small boxes that appear to be pixels that make up the photograph. 
“It appears to be those boxes that are outlined in this picture to make it appear like writing.
"I read an article that talks about how these photographs, when taken from the original version and reformatted to jpegs, end up looking like this with these small boxes.